Filter System Expert

10 Years Manufacturing Experience


Fine Chemicals


Application: Recovery of Aromatic extraction, hydro refining, and catalyst; PTA;  PVC; PPS; PLA; PBSA; PBAT; PBS; PGA; Production of monomer and polymer; Recovery of rich amine and lean amine; Filtration of lubricating oil, aviation fuel, and other oil; Filtration of chemical raw materials and finished products; Interception of carbon ink and filter aids; Filtration of naphtha, FCC slurry, AGO atmospheric gas oil, CGO coking wax oil and VGO vacuum gas oil; Filtration of oil well injection, process circulating water and cooling water; Protect key equipment such as pumps, heat exchangers, valves, etc.

Benefits: To stabilize and improve product quality and prevent product quality fluctuations; To maintain catalyst activity and extend service life; To significantly reduce operating and processing costs and energy consumption; To reduce corrosion of pipelines; To reduce environmentally friendly disposal costs; To remove solid particle impurities.

Fine Chemicals

Application: Decolorization filtration, clarification filtration, crystal, and other filtration separation; Interception of activated carbon, diatomaceous earth, activated clay, perlite, zeolite, and other filter aids; Solvents filtration; Pharmaceutical intermediates production; Acrylic resin filtration; Polyether polyols production; Titanium dioxide production; Viscose fiber; Glyphosate decolorization; Brine refining; Toluene; Polysilicon; Catalyst recovery; Valuable materials recovery; Remove the fibers and gels in the coating; etc.

Benefits: To improve product clarity and purity; To remove particles; To recover filter cake; To increase productivity.

Fine Chemicals (2)

Food and Beverage

Application: Decolorization filtration, clarification filtration, crystal, and other filtration separation; Interception of activated carbon, diatomaceous earth, activated clay, perlite, zeolite, and other filter aids; Fermentation broth filtration; Pretreatment of membrane filtration front end; Filtration of mixed oil and crude oil, polishing and filtration of refined oil; Security filtration before filling; Filtration of all kinds of food production water and cleaning water; Filtration of starch, syrup, protein, corn syrup and culture media; Removal of impurities generated in the blending process; Filtering out suspended solids and sediments in beverages; Filtration of chocolate, beer and jelly; etc.

Benefits: To improve product clarity and purity; To remove particles; To improve the taste of the finished product; To increase filtration speed; To protect key equipment.


Application: Decolorization filtration, clarification filtration, crystal, and other filtration separation; Interception of activated carbon, diatomaceous earth, activated clay, perlite, zeolite, and other filter aids; Clarification and sterilization of drugs; Fermentation broth filtration; Pure water filtration; Filtration of large cans of bean flour; Recovery of active raw materials and catalysts; Filtration of medicinal syrups and protein; Plant extraction purification and filtration; Crystal water pre-filtration; Filtration of amino acid aqueous solution impurities; etc.

Benefits: To improve product purity and quality; To reduce energy consumption; To recover valuable materials; To protect critical equipment; To reduce operating procedures and speed up the production process.


Water Treatment

Application: Filtering out sand, algae, and other silt in raw water such as lake water, groundwater, seawater, reservoir water, etc.; Prefiltration of membrane separation systems; Filtration of air conditioning system, compressor circulating cooling water, and chilled water; Ion exchange resin capture; Treatment of circulating cooling water in the process of iron making, coking, steelmaking, steel rolling, casting and other processes in the iron and steel industry; Protecting nozzles and crystallizers; Reuse of reclaimed water; etc.

Benefits: To remove polluting particles to stabilize water quality and meet standards; To save the amount of anti-clogging agent, rust inhibitor, and other chemicals; To improve heat exchange efficiency; To reduce wastewater treatment costs; To save energy and reduce emissions; To extend membrane tube life and back-flush time; To remove particulate impurities; To prevent blockage, wear and scaling of pipelines, heat exchangers, valves, etc.; To reduce the number of chemical agents.

Pulp and Paper

Application: Filtration of slurry and slurry iron filings impurities; Filtration of all kinds of paper machine water such as raw water, clean water, high and low pressure spray water, seal water, clean water, water injection water, heat exchange water, bearing cooling water, cooling tower water, high and low pressure cleaning water; Filtration of all kinds of papermaking coating additives such as polymers, calcium carbonate, bentonite, starch solution, defoamers, sizing agents, lubricants, water repellents, dyes, fillers, pigments, latex, etc.

Benefits: To prevent nozzle blockage; To recycle water; To save energy and reduce emissions; To control polluting impurities into the wet end; To stabilize and improve paper quality, etc.

Pulp and Paper
Lithium Car Battery (2)

Lithium Car Battery

Application: Precision filtration of lithium precipitation mother liquor, liquid washing, and magnesium salt removal; Filtration and recovery of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, and lithium sulfate solutions; Lye filtration; Liquid metal filtration; Ammonia water filtration; Copper sulfate solution filtration; Precision filtration of positive and negative slurry before coating; Car paint filtration; Filtration in filtration degreasing, phosphating, and liquid washing section; filtration of abrasive slurry; Engine processing coolant filtration; Ultrafiltration and welding cooling water filtration.

Benefit: To improve bond strength; To improve surface treatment effect; To reduce paint shrinkage and reprocessing; To extend the service life of electrophoretic paint; To prevent clogging of the nozzle; To improve product qualification rate; etc.

Electronics and Others

Application & Benefit: Perfluorinated filtration of electronic chemicals in the electronics industry, and filtration of chip abrasive slurry and ultrapure water; To protect heat exchange equipment, enhance heat exchange effect, prevent pipeline blockage, and reduce corrosion to pipelines in the filtration of Power plant circulating cooling water; To protect nozzles and crystallizers in the filtration of circulating cooling water in the production process of iron and steel industry (such as ironmaking, coking, steelmaking, steel rolling, etc.); To improve the efficiency of oil use, reduce the damage to the tool, and improve the accuracy of the workpiece in the circulating filtration of metal processing coolant; To protect pumps and other equipment, save energy and protect the environment in the filtration of mining circulating water and shale gas wastewater, and the filtration in the coal chemical industry.

Electronics and Others